The following is a description of the Route to climb North Kinsman,  South Kinsman, and Cannon Mountain from the Lafayette Campground.  The Lafayette Campground is located right off of 93 South in Franconia Notch. You can also start this hike by parking your car at the Lafayette Place Parking Lot on the North Bound Side of 93 and crossing under the tunnel beneath the highway that connects the Lafayette Place parking lot and Lafayette Campground parking lots.

Start Point Trail Elevation Start (ft) Elevation End (ft) Elevation Start (m) Elevation End (m) Distance Segment (miles) Cumulative Distance (miles) End Point
Lafayette Campground Lonesome Lake Trail 1706 2067 520 630 0.4 0.4 Intersection Hi Cannon and Lonesome Lake Trail
Intersection Hi Cannon and Lonesome Lake Trail Lonesome Lake Trail 2067 2723 630 830 0.8 1.2 Intersection Dodge Cutoff and Lonesome Lake Trail
Intersection Dodge Cutoof and Lonesome Lake Trail Cascade Brook Trail 2723 2723 830 830 0.3 1.5 Lonesome Lake Hut
Lonesome Lake Hut Fishin Jimmy Trail 2723 3806 830 1160 2.2 3.7 Intersection Fishin Jimmy and Kinsman Ridge Trail
Intersection Fishin Jimmy and Kinsman Ridge Trail Kinsman Ridge Trail 3806 4295 1160 1309 0.4 4.1 North Kinsman
North Kinsman Kinsman Ridge Trail 4295 4035 1309 1230 0.45 4.55 Low Point between North/South Kinsman
Low Point between North/South Kinsman Kinsman Ridge Trail 4035 4357 1230 1328 0.45 5 South Kinsman
South Kinsman Kinsman Ridge Trail 4357 4035 1328 1230 0.45 5.45 Low Point between North/South Kinsman
Low Point between North/South Kinsman Kinsman Ridge Trail (Backtrack) 4035 4295 1230 1309 0.45 5.9 North Kinsman
North Kinsman Kinsman Ridge Trail (Backtrack) 4295 3806 1309 1160 0.4 6.3 Intersection Fishin Jimmy and Kinsman Ridge Trail
Intersection Fishin Jimmy and Kinsman Ridge Trail Kinsman Ridge Trail (Backtrack) 3806 3478 1160 1060 2.6 8.9 Intersection Kinsman Ridge and Lonesome Lake Trail
Intersection Kinsman Ridge and Lonesome Lake Trail Kinsman Ridge Trail 3478 3839 1060 1170 0.4 9.3 Intersection Hi Cannon and Kinsman Ridge Trail
Intersection Hi Cannon and Kinsman Ridge Trail Kinsman Ridge Trail 3839 4101 1170 1250 0.4 9.7 Cannon
Cannon Kinsman Ridge Trail (Backtrack) 4101 3839 1250 1170 0.4 10.1 Intersection Hi Cannon and Kinsman Ridge Trail
Intersection Hi Cannon and Kinsman Ridge Trail HI Cannon Trail 3839 2887 1170 880 1.2 11.3 Intersection Hi Cannon and Dodge Cut Off
Intersection Hi Cannon and Dodge Cut Off HI Cannon Trail 2887 2067 880 630 0.8 12.1 Intersection Hi Cannon and Lonesome Lake Trail
Intersection Hi Cannon and Lonesome Lake Trail Lonesome Lake Trail 2067 1706 630 520 0.4 12.5 Lafayette Campground

Date Route Completed – 7/31/2010