Take exit 32 off 93 – Route 112 (Kancamagus Highway) to the Hancock Overlook parking lot.   The Hancock Notch trailhead is across the street from the parking lot.
This route is fairly gradual for the approach until you get to the split for the Hancock loop trail at which point the route to both Mount Hancock and South Hancock are steep.     I have listed the route description climbing Mount Hancock first and the South Hancock so that on the descent you are climbing down the steep pitch for a shorter amount of time.  There is a lookout and nice place to sit at the top of Mount Hancock and the Gray Jays will land right in your hand if you hold out some seeds or trail mix.   There are a few stream crossings on the hike so if it has recently rained or in early spring when the snow is melting and the water levels are higher you may neehancocks elevation graphd to bring a pair of sandals to cross the streams.


Start Point Trail Elevation Start (ft) Elevation End (ft) Elevation Start (m) Elevation End (m) Distance Segment (miles) Cumulative Distance (miles) End Point
Hancock Overlook Parking Lot Hancock Notch Trail 2100 2526 640 770 1.8 1.8 Intersection Hancock Notch Trail and Cedar Brook Trail
Intersection Hancock Notch Trail and Cedar Brook Trail Cedar Brook Trail 2526 2723 770 830 0.7 2.5 Intersection Cedar Brook Trail and Hancock Loop Trail
Intersection Cedar Brook Trail and Hancock Loop Trail Hancock Loop Trail 2723 3740 830 1140 1.1 3.6 Split Hancock Loop – Mount Hancock or South Hancock
Split Hancock Loop – Mount Hancock or South Hancock Hancock Loop Trail to Mount Hancock 3740 4419 1140 1347 0.7 4.3 Mount Hancock
Mount Hancock Hancock Loop Trail to South Hancock 4419 4318 1347 1316 1.4 5.7 South Hancock
South Hancock Hancock Loop Trail Descend 4318 3740 1316 1140 0.5 6.2 Split between Mount Hancock and South Hancock
Split between Mount Hancock and South Hancock Hancock Loop Trail Descend 3740 2723 1140 830 1.1 7.3 Intersection Cedar Brook Trail and Hancock Loop Trail
Intersection Cedar Brook Trail and Hancock Loop Trail Cedar Brook Trail 2723 2526 830 770 0.7 8 Intersection Hancock Notch Trail and Cedar Brook Trail
Intersection Hancock Notch Trail and Cedar Brook Trail Hancock Notch Trail 2526 2100 770 640 1.8 9.8 Hancock Overlook Parking Lot