Date Route Completed 4/30/2011

The following is a description of the Route to climb Carter Dome in via the Nineteen Mile Brook Trail with a loop.
To reach the trail head take route 302 and there is a parking lot at the trail head of Nineteen Mile Brook Trail.   The trail head is about 3 miles north of the Wildcat ski report on Route 302.
This climb is a loop.  I enjoy climbing via loops as it allows you to see diverse terrain during your hike.  It is important to always carry a map with you on a hike so that you can navigate and avoid getting lost.  When doing a loop hiking with a good map becomes more important because you are not back tracking your original route.  When hiking a loop refer to the map and triangulate where you are using other peaks, visual references that you see and on the map.  I always have a compass but I rarely use it preferring to keep my general bearing by looking at the time of day and relative position of the Sun in the sky –  the sun always rises in the east and sets in the west and depending on the season will determine the path it takes in the sky.  Keeping a constant awareness of the direction you are travelling is far easier than using a compass and more enjoyable because it forces you to look around and take in the scenery.   Another tool that I do use and find very useful is an altimeter watch – by using a altimeter watch and a topographical map you can very quickly determine exactly where you are by looking for the altitude on your watch and then the contour lines on the map.    Just take caution that if the weather appears to be changing then your altimeter watch will NOT tell you the right altitude.   Bad weather comes from low pressure fronts so if the weather gets worse during the course of your hike your watch will actually indicate that your altitude is higher than your actual position.   In the event that weather gets better and changes from rain to clear sky’s the pressure has typically increased and your altimeter will show a position that is lower in altitude than your actual position.


Carter Dome Route Elevation

Carter Dome via Nineteen Mile Brook Trail
Start Point Trail Elevation Start (ft) Elevation End (ft) Elevation Start (m) Elevation End (m) Distance Segment (miles) Cumulative Distance (miles) End Point
Nineteen Mile Brook Trail Parking Lot Nineteen Mile Brook Trail 1476 2346 450 715 1.9 1.9 Intersection Nineteen Mile Brook Trail and Carter Dome Trail
Intersection Nineteen Mile Brook Trail and Carter Dome Trail Nineteen Mile Brook Trail 2346 3412 715 1040 1.7 3.6 Intersection Wildcat Ridge Trail and Nineteen Mile Brook Trail
Intersection Wildcat Ridge Trail and Nineteen Mile Brook Trail Nineteen Mile Brook Trail 3412 3412 1040 1040 0.2 3.8 Carter Lakes
Carter Lakes Carter Moriah Trail 3412 4833 1040 1473 1.2 5 Summit Carter Dome
Summit Carter Dome Carter Dome Trail 4833 4560 1473 1390 0.4 5.4 Intersection Carter Dome Trail and     Black Angel Trail
Intersection Carter Dome Trail and     Black Angel Trail Carter Dome Trail 4560 3904 1390 1190 0.8 6.2 Zeta Pass
Zeta Pass Carter Dome Trail 3904 2346 1190 715 1.9 8.1 Intersection Nineteen Mile Brook Trail and Carter Dome Trail
Intersection Nineteen Mile Brook Trail and Carter Dome Trail Nineteen Mile Brook Trail 2346 1476 715 450 1.9 10 Nineteen Mile Brook Trail Parking Lot