Photo Galleries and Albums

This page contains links to photos, albums, and galleries from mountaineering, adventure, and Global Travel: Mountaineering and High Pointing Photos: Mount Everest Photo Gallery 7 Summits  Expedition Photo Books (Continental High Points): (7 of 7 –  100% Complete) (These are Shutterfly Photo Books) Mount Everest – Highest Point in Asia and the…

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(Reference – Books on Mountaineering) (Reference – Mountaineering Gear List) The following are a list of some of the mountaineering adventures, climbs, and high points  I have accomplished in my Life: 7 Summits: Kilimanjaro – Africa Mount Elbrus – Europe Aconcagua – South America Everest – Asia Vinson Massif –…

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About Tim

Tim Igo is a sales and business leader, mountaineer, 7 Summiteer, and Mount Everest climber.   Tim leads his life striving to accomplish peak performance and make the most of life whether it be climbing Mountains around the world, exploring and travelling the world, pursuing his passion for learning, applying technology…

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