Tim Igo Motivational Speaker

Invite Tim to inspire your teams and organizations to climb their mountains and achieve Peak Performance.

(Click here for Tim’s Motivational Speaking Brochure)

Motivational Speaking Themes

  • “Why Climb Everest?” – How to motivate ourselves and others
  • “Setting our Site on the Mountain” – Effective Goal Setting
  • “Peaks and Valleys” – Managing the Highs and Lows
  • “Mountaineers Start” – The powerful impact of getting started early
  • “Brotherhood of the Rope” – Building Trust in Teams
  • “Expedition Team Building” – Talent Management Strategy
  • “Summit Strategy” – Building Powerful Visions and Execution plans
  • “High Climbing Teams” – Building Peak Performance Culture
  • “Weathering the Storm” – Leadership through times of Adversity
  • “Fast and Light” – Developing approach’s to be more agile and efficient
  • “Scaling for Growth” – How to scaling our organizations for Growth
  • “Decision Making” – How to improve the decision process and quality
  • “Big Hairy Audacious Goals” – How to tackle the most complex goals
  • Custom Tailored Speeches and Presentations to fit your organization

Speaking Events

  • Company Kickoff Meetings
  • Sales Kickoff Meetings
  • Leadership Retreats
  • Awards Dinners
  • Annual Functions
  • Fundraising Dinners
  • Educational Commencements
  • College and University Events

Mountaineering and Adventure Accomplishments

  • Mount Everest Summiter
  • 7 Summits Climber (Tallest Point on every Continent)
  • Climbed all 48×4000 footers in White Mountains
  • Global Travel to all 7 Continents and over 40 countries
  •  Certified Pilot
  • Scuba Diver

Business Skills and Accomplishments




  • Revenue and Profit Growth
  • Strategic Planning and Growth
  • Management of Key Performance Indicators
  • Growth Strategies – Organic and Acquisitive
  • Board of Directors Experience
  • P&L Management
  • Multimillion Dollar Budgets
  • Turnaround and Growth Strategies
  • Innovation Strategy
  • Technology
  • Process and Workflow Optimization
  • Performance Improvement
  • Leading Change
  • Direct Sales, Channel and Alliance Sales
  • Supplier and Vender Relationships
  • New Business Development
  • Talent – Attract, Develop, Retain, Growth
  • Culture
  • Client Relationship Management
  • Marketing
  • Professional Services
  • Solutions Development
  • Market Assessment and GTM Strategy
  • Financial Management
  • Merger and Acquisition Integration
  • Operations

Sales Skills, Experiences, and Achievements

Sales Select Achievements

  • 7 Time Presidents Club Winner
  • #1 Sales Rep 5 Consecutive Years – Chairman’s Award
  • EMC National Sales Contest Winner
  • HP National Sales Contest Winner of over 4000 Sales Reps
  • #1 Services Sales Rep

Sales Skills and Experience:

  • Revenue Growth and Acceleration
  • Direct Sales, Channel and Alliance Sales
  • Demand Generation Programs
  • Proposal Development
  • Negotiation and Closing Deals
  • Solution and Consultative Selling
  • New Market Penetration and Prospecting
  • Business Development Strategy
  • Marketing Strategy
  • Performance Improvement
  • Profitable Revenue Growth
  • Creating Culture of Winning and Success
  • Market Assessment, Segmentation, and GTM Strategy
  • P&L Management and Multimillion Dollar Budgets
  • Sales Rep Onboarding and Enablement
  • Sales Operations and Forecasting
  • Creating high performance Sales teams
  • Quota Assignment and Management
  • Sales Process, Sale Funnel/Pipeline Management
  • Sales Compensation and Incentives
  • Customer Expectations and Customer Satisfaction
  • Account Penetration and Install Base Management
  • Customer and Executive Relationship Management
  • Strategic Partnerships and Alliances

Testimonials Business, Sales, Leadership, and Mountaineering

“Tim is a gifted IT executive with strong business management and sales skills. Tim operates well in fast paced environment and quickly leverages technology change for business advantage. Tim develops meaningful relationships with his customers, partners, and employees developing effective teams.”  – CEO High Tech Organization

“I have worked for and with Tim over the last 6 years. Tim is a passionate and driven leader who has excellent skills in the Information Technology, Sales Management, Business Management and Business Process areas. He has always demonstrated personal accountability with regards to any challenge, issue or positon he has held throughout his career. It was a pleasure to work with Tim and observe him execute while at the same time inspire others to achieve greatness.”  – Director of Enterprise Risk and Security

“Tim uses the same skill set in the mountains as he does in business and it has made him very successful in both arenas. I’ve had the privilege of climbing many of the Seven Summits with Tim and have stood on the summit of Everest with him. I’ve always been impressed by his skill, work ethic, dedication, and preparedness. He’s a true asset to any team and has many great things ahead of him.” – Mike Hamill, 6 Time Everest and 7 Summiteer, Author “Climbing the Seven Summits”

“I was initially impressed with Tim enthusiasm, communication skills and professional demeanor. Organized and diligent, Tim really knows the technology systems and software.” – Customer – Database Technology Leader

“Tim is a driven leader who inspires his team and those around him through his passion, sense of urgency, advocacy and intense focus on customer service and success. When issues arise Tim picks up the phone and communicates. He has a unique ability to manage through difficult situations and find win-win solutions….”  – Strategic Alliance Director Hewlett Packard Enterprises

“Tim is one of the most creative and innovative people I’ve worked with. He is a guy who gets things done and leads by example. His tireless work ethic is second to none.” – HR and Talent Management Director

“Tim  delivered an inspirational speech drawing powerful analogies between the journey to climb Mount Everest and the journey to scale our organization for growth.  Tim drew on his strong business, sales and industry knowledge to align the process of climbing Everest with the process to achieve our companies goals.   He highlighted climbing Everest and growing a business both require that we break our goals into manageable steps. He tailored his presentation to our organization, drawing parallels between the Everest camps and the past, present, and future evolution of our growing organization.  The speech highlighted the importance of culture, values, and teamwork to overcome adversity and achieve our vision.   Tim’s speech captivated the audience and inspired action to achieve greatness!” – Member Board of Directors

“Tim presented at the New England Over 40 Hiking Group annual meeting twice – once on his conquest of  Everest and the second time on climbing the 7 summits.  Tim took us on his journey of adventure, overcoming adversity, rising up from failure, and achieving success.   The presentation including incredible stories, pictures, and videos that engaged the audience.  He gave the audience the feeling that they were climbing Everest themselves.   The audience was captivated and inspired by Tim’s story of adventure.    I would highly recommend Tim for other speaking engagements.  Once his book is released I look forward to reading it and promoting the book to all of 5000 members in our group!” – VP of Business Management in the Technology Industry and leader of Hiking Group with over 5000 members

“I’ve had the pleasure of working with Tim for over thirteen years. He has a great breadth of experience and expertise across Sales, Professional Services, Marketing and Operations. Tim truly understands the importance of providing consistent Value to our customers, and is able to integrate all facets of what we do and sell into a total Solution. Probably more importantly, Tim is a culture carrier in the organization. Through times or prosperity, challenge and change, Tim is someone that the whole organization looks up to for direction (including myself). His commitment and consistency for “doing the right thing” is probably his greatest strength.” – Vice President Professional Services

“Tim Igo is without a doubt the most dedicated, focused and hardest working person I have ever had the opportunity to work for. ……… No matter the task at hand, Tim tackles it head on with determination and intelligence. I worked for Tim while I was a commercial sales rep. He played a huge role in my success. I’m not sure I would be where I am today if it wasn’t for Tim. I can honestly say that I have learned more from Tim than anyone else in my career. I look to Tim for guidance not just in my previous sales role but on every path in my career. I’m always excite to see what he will accomplish next. As a boss, as a colleague and as a friend Tim always proves to be one of the best.” – Award Winning Sales Rep Software and Tech Industry

“I’ve had the honor of working with a number of great managers and leaders in my career – I consider Tim to be one of the best I’ve had the opportunity to work for (and with). In his career he has been successful in every challenge the company has trusted him with. He was instrumental in helping to bring the Services organization to a new level, and very supportive as our leader in our efforts to build the out new innovative offerings. Tim has an exceptional combination of business operational skill, sales and sales leadership expertise, and personal drive that makes him great to work with, and for. Tim also understands that effective teams are all about recognizing talent and developing it. I would absolutely recommend Tim, and would welcome the opportunity to work for or with him again.”

– IT Leader Microsoft Services Practice

Tim was instrumental in helping me address a number of needs at our Hospital. From the very start of our relationship it was clear that Tim put the needs of the customer over short term sales goals. He worked with me as if he was a member of our organization and made a considerable effort to understand our challenges, goals and cost constraints. Tim has a very strong technical background and was able to make meaningful contributions to our long term IT strategy. Tim was instrumental in helping form the strategy for the implementation of our new data center. The technology solutions and personnel he provided during this effort made it a huge success! I could see Tim in his people – every one of whom was professional, polite and experts in their fields. I can’t emphasize enough how important this was to our success. Tim exemplifies the best qualities of a trusted partner and thought leader. He contributes in a way that is beneficial to his customers and his team. His focus on win-win outcomes leads to consistent and sustainable success for both sides. I hold Tim in the highest regard. “

-Customer Healthcare Executive Leader

“Tim is a passionate leader who continually produces optimal, measurable results for Sales, Professional Services, and Operations by having empathy for colleagues, partners and clients along with laser focused business insights. Tim’s commitment to learning and always expanding his knowledge ensures that he is providing value in all of his personal and business interactions.”

-Senior Business Executive Systems Integrator

“Tim’s career has included multiple senior executive positions, generally inheriting underperforming or immature teams and without exception transforming them into model organizations other teams would look to for inspiration. He is a talented leader that can be counted on to provide noticeable impact on the success of his company as a whole and continually drive high achievement, year after year. I worked for Tim while he was the Vice President of Professional Services and it was a defining moment in my career. There was never a situation where he was unsupportive or that he didn’t have time, he always relished the opportunity to work through complex obstacles. Everyone that has worked with him has had the experience of hashing through complex challenges 1 on 1 in front of a white board, the solutions of which always put customers first while uniting the teams he was working with. Tim is one of the most talented individuals and leaders I have met and I have no doubt he will continue to lead organizations to greatness regardless of which roles he takes on. I very much look forward to working with him again.”

-IT Industry Leader VMware Services Practice

“Tim’s incredible work ethic and drive allow him to exceed expectations at every level. He is passionate about everything that he does and it is evident from all angles that he is willing to do whatever it takes to get it done. I believe that Tim will succeed in everything that he does because he is one of the smartest and hardest working individuals I have ever met. I consider him a friend personally and a mentor professionally.”

– Top Performing Sales Rep

“I had the pleasure of Tim working for me and building the Mid-Market sales organization in the Northeast. Tim had an inherent ability to juggle multiple projects and field sales needs, that dramatically assisted his team to increase their productivity levels. He also handled the toughest clients concerns effortlessly with the goal of driving their success. This specific skill was mastered by him over the years in multiple roles. As a team leader, member, or individual contributor, Tim continues to earn my highest recommendation.”

– Senior Vice President and GM Software and Hi Tech Industry

“Tim is an extremely smart, dedicated and hard-working sales leader. Having reported directly to Tim, I’ve experienced his leadership, work-ethic and sales ability first hand. Tim’s mentoring has been instrumental to my growth and success as a salesperson. He is willing to do whatever it takes to help others be successful. Tim always has his customer’s best interests in mind and there isn’t a business challenge he cannot solve. Tim is a true professional and genuine person.”

-Top Performing Sales Rep Oracle Corporation

“I have been a client of Tim’s for about 10 years. Tim’s a pleasure to work with. I have always been impressed with his attention to details during our systems purchases, his dedication to post-purchase support and customer service.”

– Customer – Data Storage Technology Leader

“I have worked with Tim on and off over the past 13-14 years. Every time I worked with Tim he has been critical in helping our team get the right technology that fit our enterprise needs. He has helped us get past technical issues that have allowed us to deliver the right solutions on time and on budget for our customers. I look forward to working with him in the future.”

-Customer Platform Technology Leader