Mountaineering Skills and Experience – Tim Igo:

Over the course of expeditions and training Tim has built a broad base of mountaineering skills and expertise. Including the following:







Mountaineering Skills:

  • High Altitude Climbing
  • Glacier Travel
  • Crevasse Rescue
  • Ice Axe Arrest and Self Arrest
  • Ice Climbing
  • Rock Climbing
  • Building Anchors
  • Fixed Line Travel
  • Roped Glacier Travel
  • CPR
  • Back Country Survival
  • Crampon Techniques
  • Fast and Light’
  • Expedition Style Climbing
  • Ski Mountaineering
  • Emergency Prevention and Response
  • Crisis Management
  • Leadership
  • Environmental Preservation
  • Cold Weather Survival
  • Mountain Weather
  • Physical Conditioning and Training
  • Navigation
  • Safety and Security Systems